Duma Mock is a sculptor based in Oakland.

I create sculptural props: objects that have an aura of narrative without collapsing into Story. Beginning with a form that charms and repels me, I collapse my experience of that form into the prop in its slanting articulation. I am drawn to the gaudy tool and the utilitarian adornment; I love side chairs that were never intended to be used. I celebrate craft, queerness, and the pathetic. A technical mistake is always an opportunity for adornment; adornment is always an opportunity to be gay. I am seeking out a soft pivot in service of a queer liberation. To use these works to build a common vocabulary of slanted signifiers to point towards what that liberation might look like. Through sculpture, I circumscribe fantasies that are both familiar and secret.


Headlands Graduate Fellow 2024-2025 (ongoing)

“Just Another June” Root Division 2024

“Metamorphosis” Mercury 20 Gallery 2024

“Best In Show” House On Haight Gallery 2023

“MFA Pop-Up” 2023

“PAHLS” Thesis Show Stuyvesent Galleries 2017

“When a Digital Surface Meets a Mutable Apparatus…” 80WSE Gallery 2017

“Junior Honors Group Show” 80WSE Broadway Windows 2016

“ALIENS” 207 Macon Gallery 2015

“Will Barnet Student Show” National Arts Club 2015

“We Could Be Heroes!” Stuyvesent Galleries 2015 (curated and shown)

USAO Show 2015 NYU Stuyvesent Galleries 2015

“NEW SIGHTS, NEW NOISE” 80WSE Gallery 2014

 “Small Works Show” Greenpoint Gallery 2014

USAO Show NYU 34 Stuyvesent Galleries 2014


California College of Art, MFA, 2024

New York University, BFA, 2018